Diversions: Laura DuFrane Murphey, Judith Jopp, John Stumme, Debra Ripp, Linda Snoufffer, and Shirl Chouinard

Diversions: Laura DuFrane Murphey, Judith Jopp, John Stumme, Debra Ripp, Linda Snoufffer, and Shirl Chouinard
Opening Reception – Friday, June 3, from 5:00 to 7:30pm
Gallery/Artists’ Talk – Tuesday, June 21 beginning at 7pm
Diversion: Definitions and synonyms
Changing course: departure, detour, deviation,
alteration, digression, turning, variation
Entertainment/recreation: distraction, pastime, pleasure, gratification, relaxation
To open our summer season of shows, we offer an enticing and diverse group of artists who, after meeting each other in a class taught by artist Deborah Foutch, have continued to work with, encourage and support each other for several years. One of the group, Laura DuFrane Murphy, is one of our resident studio artistes.
About their work, they write:
Our individual visual art is diverse—we all have different visions even at times when we use similar mediums or explore similar subjects. Through these years, we have grown in our abilities, sometimes altered artistic direction or just learned to explore new ideas as we shared our creative process with one another.
This exhibit celebrates our long-term connection with one another. These works illustrate how art was a diversion from the pandemic stresses as we retreated into studios to work alone. Some of us focused on adhering to the artistic paths on which we began; others deviated into a new artistic direction. We all have been fed by the creative force and continue to honor our connection to it and to one another.
Please note: The westbound lane of Plymouth Avenue will be closed for construction tomorrow, June 3red, the day of our opening event.
1.If you are coming down Penn Avenue from the north, turn right on 14th Avenue, go two blocks to Russell Avenue North and turn left. Head south for two clocks you will be outside of gallery.
2. If you are coming up Penn Avenue from th4e south, turn let at 12th Avenue, go three blocks to Sheridan, turn right and go up to Plymouth.
3. If you are coming along Plymouth from the 4east, select option 1 or 2 above.
4 If you are coming along Plymouth from the west, you should be fine.
Call George at 612 587-0230 if you get stuck.