George Roberts — Downstairs Press
I work slowly. Relish working slowly. Like walking on uneven stones in a Japanese garden, art makes me slow down, notice. Slowing down is a way of keeping things from slipping by or getting away.
Letter press printing, hand paper making and hand book binding are all practices requiring patience, a slower pace, a willingness to dawdle, to be tentative, to waddle. Tarrying honors the possibility of discovery. Making art is like searching for clues. What one finds is often what others have, in their haste, passed over many times.
I am interested in the intersection of visual images and printed words. I am curious about the clues hanging around that cusp. I am learning to draw to assist me in parsing this crossroad. I stand at its junction, sometimes for hours, wondering what will come along…
For more information on DownStairs Press and to see samples of hand bound books, see DownStairs Press.
George Roberts
DownStairs Press 612 587-0230
Studio E, Homewood Studios
2400 Plymouth Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55411