Black History 365…yesterday, today and tomorrow
New and Selected Paintings by Loretta Day

Black History 365…yesterday, today and tomorrow
New and Selected Paintings by Loretta Day
Opening Reception – Friday, October 8 from 6pm to 9pm
Gallery Talk – Tuesday, October 19 beginning at 7pm
Well before Covid changed all our lives, Loretta Day began talking with us about a show in our gallery. Her vision held that the place of the artist is…an “emissary of the future,” guiding our attentions and our interests toward what would make us better people and a better country. One way to accomplish this goal is for the artist to remind us of our past. The four major panels in this show do exactly that, with precision and insight.
About this work Loretta writes:
I hope to depict, through my lenses, the beauty, strength, hope, courage, determination and spirit of Americans of African descent …my people.
This tribute should be celebrated 365 days a year as we continue to evolve and contribute to the good of mankind. It is a disservice to everyone, regardless of background, to celebrate Black History only during the month of February. Black History is too vast and rich to only receive 28 days of attention.
This project is important to me. With all the turmoil surrounding us, I feel it is important for people of color to remember who we are, to remember our greatness, and honor those before us who paved the path for us to be the best we can and should be.
This exhibition reflects images of African Americans who have made major contributions and opened the gateways to society through music, sports, science, and the civil rights movement.
This project, Black History-365, has become organic as it will continue to grow with new additions in future exhibitions.