MESSAGES: 10th Annual Homewood Studios Resident Artists Show

MESSAGES: 10th Annual Homewood Studios Resident Artists Show
Opening Reception – Friday, November 5th from e5pm to 8pm
Zoom Gallery Talk – Thursday, November 11th beginning at 7pm
The message in a bottle… A message from Garcia… Text message… On message… Subliminal message… Stick to the message… Deliver the message… Mixed message… Off message…
The medium is the message… Hidden message… Send the right/wrong message… Take a message…
Get the message…Don’t shoot the messenger… Instant message…
…the possibilities are endless, as are the contents of each message. Where does each begin? How does a message take form in us? Perhaps with an overheard phrase, or a visual memory, a passage in a book, or an uncomfortable confrontation. Our impulse is to respond, to have a view, a thought, an opinion, a concern. And then we want to send it out, don’t we? Isn’t this why we have studios, work in a certain medium, offer our work (our message) on the gallery walls?
After a year of sequestering, most of us going regularly to our studios during Covid for solace and for a sense of “keeping at work,” we have some things to offer, some…messages. And as Mieko Yamazaki, one of our family of artists at Homewood Studios, recently observed, the first message is from the work of art to us as we begin work on it. If we listen, the work acquires unexpected dimension, exposes deeper questions, makes our ways of seeing more clear. And if we, instead, ignore that first message, believing we know, already, what the piece of art wants to be, we will have missed an opportunity to grow, change, see.
There seems a larger message here than one intended just for artists. Couldn’t we all be more curious, more attentive to the messages all around us, especially to those messages we tend to miss simply by not tuning our awareness in their direction? Thus, we invite you to visit our gallery, appreciate and enjoy the work we have here displayed for you. And if you wish, take a moment while standing before one or the other of the pieces to ask the question, “What is the message?”

The link to the MESSAGES Website:
And the link to the Messages Gallery Talk on 11/11: