Linda Maylish

Linda Maylish
Studio B, Homewood Studios
2400 Plymouth Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55411
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Linda Maylish’s new work focuses on the ancient techniques of encaustics, which enables her to incorporate drawing, gilding, collage and painting techniques. Her latest imagery expands into additional techniques from not only Rome but Egypt as well. These techniques include encaustics, pyrography and gilding.
- Hoya Labyrinth — The Hoya’s vine is used as a unicursal pathway towards self-awareness and spiritual awakening. The flowers blooming in the center are a symbol of this transformation.
7 X 9, embedded oil painting on paper in encaustics on wooden panel - Hoya Labyrinth — second in a series. This version of the hoya plant as a labyrinth is a reworking of the original composition. Copper etching under encaustic with pyrography and mixed media size 9 x 12
- Spring Garden — My favorite time of year and some of my favorite flowers of that season. Monotype under encaustics with pyrography and mixed media size 16 x 18
- Bromeliad — Monotype print under encaustics with pyrography and mixed media size 8 x 10
- Cosmic Egg — second in a series. Big Bang theorists surmise that the universe was at one time a singularity. Many cultures have used the image of the egg to describe the beginning of creation. Here the two-headed serpent envisioned by ancient shamans, yogis and alchemists alike protects it’s young. Gilded encaustic over drawing and marbled paper size 14 x 18
- The Dance — one in a series — As the second oldest divination system this image depicts the healing and transmutation of the sexual, energetic, cosmic serpent energy of the human heart and soul.
12 X 36, encaustics over pencil drawing and marbleized paper, gold and silver gilding on wooden panel