Bill Jeter

Bill Jeter
Studio B, Homewood Studios
2400 Plymouth Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55411
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Minneapolis College of Art & Design, Minneapolis, MN
Master of Fine Arts, Visual Studies
Bates College, Lewiston, ME
Bachelor of Arts, Art
My Art
My work is a multi-disciplined approach of working with 2D, 3D, and time-based forms that explore culture and history through investigation of symbols, stories, and language origins. This is done through fabrication of uniquely layered objects and selective printmaking of images and texts.
- ASHRAM CLOCK – Working assemblage timepiece: handmade paper, wood, brass, Plexiglas. References linear VS non-Linear notions of time & culture 18″ dia. _2008
- CINDERELLA – Cast bronze pediform interpretation of folktale, fashion, culture, history, gender equity, & allure
- DISC FOR BUDDY BOLDEN 16″x16″x4″ 1998
- EMTILLA – Electric-Metal-Tubing assemblage transformation of materials & functionality in experimental play-based Japanese movie monsters & animae 16″x20″x40″ 2007
- BUSHIDO – Assemblage armour-form from Japanese brand beer cans in order to express ideas about history, socio-cultural codes & commerce 38″x16″x22″ 2009
- FUJIYOSHIDA 2001 – Observation based color woodcut based on traditional Japanese motif with contemporary cultural interpretation. 18″x24″ 2006
- MARTIN – wood mold for cast bronze bell commemorating the 50 anniversary of the Martin Luther King JR ‘I have A Dream Speech’ in 1963. 15″x12″ Dia. 2008
- BELLIES MIXED-CROCS MIXED – Assemblage aluminum and oak dial-form symbolizing West African Adinkra proverb of ‘Unity inside Diversity’- They who go in different directions while feeding from a common stomach 48″x48″x5″ 2003